X-Git-Url: https://git.ralfj.de/rust-101.git/blobdiff_plain/562558d25054c5be82f11acad0fbe53699de5b1c..d9f72d6ad261b7b8fe97fb80423780e8361abb86:/src/part12.rs?ds=inline
diff --git a/src/part12.rs b/src/part12.rs
index 8a14def..c2331ea 100644
--- a/src/part12.rs
+++ b/src/part12.rs
@@ -1,188 +1,169 @@
-// Rust-101, Part 12: Concurrency, Send
-// ====================================
-use std::io::prelude::*;
-use std::{io, fs, thread};
-use std::sync::mpsc::{sync_channel, SyncSender, Receiver};
-use std::sync::Arc;
-//@ Our next stop are the concurrency features of Rust. We are going to write our own small version of "grep",
-//@ called *rgrep*, and it is going to make use of concurrency: One thread reads the input files, one thread does
-//@ the actual matching, and one thread writes the output. I already mentioned in the beginning of the course that
-//@ Rust's type system (more precisely, the discipline of ownership and borrowing) will help us to avoid a common
-//@ pitfall of concurrent programming: data races.
-// Before we come to the actual code, we define a data-structure `Options` to store all the information we need
-// to complete the job: Which files to work on, which pattern to look for, and how to output.
-//@ Besides just printing all the matching lines, we will also offer to count them, or alternatively to sort them.
-pub enum OutputMode {
- Print,
- SortAndPrint,
- Count,
-use self::OutputMode::*;
-pub struct Options {
- pub files: Vec,
- pub pattern: String,
- pub output_mode: OutputMode,
+// Rust-101, Part 12: Rc, Interior Mutability, Cell, RefCell
+// =========================================================
+use std::rc::Rc;
+use std::cell::{Cell, RefCell};
+//@ Our generic callback mechanism is already working quite nicely. However, there's one point we may want to fix:
+//@ `Callbacks` does not implement `Clone`. The problem is that closures (or rather, their environment) can never be cloned.
+//@ (There's not even an automatic derivation happening for the cases where it would be possible.)
+//@ This restriction propagates up to `Callbacks` itself. What could we do about this?
+//@ ## `Rc`
+//@ The solution is to find some way of cloning `Callbacks` without cloning the environments. This can be achieved with
+//@ `Rc`, a *reference-counted* pointer. This is is another example of a smart pointer. You can `clone` an `Rc` as often
+//@ as you want, that doesn't affect the data it contains. It only creates more references to the same data. Once all the
+//@ references are gone, the data is deleted.
+//@ Wait a moment, you may say here. Multiple references to the same data? That's aliasing! Indeed:
+//@ Once data is stored in an `Rc`, it is read-only and you can only ever get a shared reference to the data again.
+//@ Because of this read-only restriction, we cannot use `FnMut` here: We'd be unable to call the function with a mutable reference
+//@ to it's environment! So we have to go with `Fn`. We wrap that in an `Rc`, and then Rust happily derives `Clone` for us.
+struct Callbacks {
+ callbacks: Vec>,
-//@ Now we can write three functions to do the actual job of reading, matching, and printing, respectively.
-//@ To get the data from one thread to the next, we will use *message passing*: We will establish communication
-//@ channels between the threads, with one thread *sending* data, and the other one *receiving* it. `SyncSender`
-//@ is the type of the sending end of a synchronous channel transmitting data of type `T`. *Synchronous* here
-//@ means that the `send` operation could block, waiting for the other side to make progress. We don't want to
-//@ end up with the entire file being stored in the buffer of the channels, and the output not being fast enough
-//@ to keep up with the speed of input.
-//@ We also need all the threads to have access to the options of the job they are supposed to do. Since it would
-//@ be rather unnecessary to actually copy these options around, we will use reference-counting to share them between
-//@ all threads. `Arc` is the thread-safe version of `Rc`, using atomic operations to keep the reference count up-to-date.
-// The first function reads the files, and sends every line over the `out_channel`.
-fn read_files(options: Arc, out_channel: SyncSender) {
- for file in options.files.iter() {
- // First, we open the file, ignoring any errors.
- let file = fs::File::open(file).unwrap();
- // Then we obtain a `BufReader` for it, which provides the `lines` function.
- let file = io::BufReader::new(file);
- for line in file.lines() {
- let line = line.unwrap();
- // Now we send the line over the channel, ignoring the possibility of `send` failing.
- out_channel.send(line).unwrap();
- }
+impl Callbacks {
+ pub fn new() -> Self {
+ Callbacks { callbacks: Vec::new() }
- // When we drop the `out_channel`, it will be closed, which the other end can notice.
-// The second function filters the lines it receives through `in_channel` with the pattern, and sends
-// matches via `out_channel`.
-fn filter_lines(options: Arc,
- in_channel: Receiver,
- out_channel: SyncSender) {
- // We can simply iterate over the channel, which will stop when the channel is closed.
- for line in in_channel.iter() {
- // `contains` works on lots of types of patterns, but in particular, we can use it to test whether
- // one string is contained in another. This is another example of Rust using traits as substitute for overloading.
- if line.contains(&options.pattern) {
- out_channel.send(line).unwrap(); /*@*/
- }
+ // Registration works just like last time, except that we are creating an `Rc` now.
+ pub fn register(&mut self, callback: F) {
+ self.callbacks.push(Rc::new(callback)); /*@*/
-// The third function performs the output operations, receiving the relevant lines on its `in_channel`.
-fn output_lines(options: Arc, in_channel: Receiver) {
- match options.output_mode {
- Print => {
- // Here, we just print every line we see.
- for line in in_channel.iter() {
- println!("{}", line); /*@*/
- }
- },
- Count => {
- // We are supposed to count the number of matching lines. There's a convenient iterator adapter that
- // we can use for this job.
- let count = in_channel.iter().count(); /*@*/
- println!("{} hits for {}.", count, options.pattern); /*@*/
- },
- SortAndPrint => {
- // We are asked to sort the matching lines before printing. So let's collect them all in a local vector...
- let mut data: Vec = in_channel.iter().collect();
- // ...and implement the actual sorting later.
- unimplemented!()
+ pub fn call(&self, val: i32) {
+ // We only need a shared iterator here. Since `Rc` is a smart pointer, we can directly call the callback.
+ for callback in self.callbacks.iter() {
+ callback(val); /*@*/
-// With the operations of the three threads defined, we can now implement a function that performs grepping according
-// to some given options.
-pub fn run(options: Options) {
- // We move the `options` into an `Arc`, as that's what the thread workers expect.
- let options = Arc::new(options);
- // This sets up the channels. We use a `sync_channel` with buffer-size of 16 to avoid needlessly filling RAM.
- let (line_sender, line_receiver) = sync_channel(16);
- let (filtered_sender, filtered_receiver) = sync_channel(16);
- // Spawn the read thread: `thread::spawn` takes a closure that is run in a new thread.
- //@ The `move` keyword again tells Rust that we want ownership of captured variables to be moved into the
- //@ closure. This means we need to do the `clone` *first*, otherwise we would lose our `options` to the
- //@ new thread!
- let options1 = options.clone();
- let handle1 = thread::spawn(move || read_files(options1, line_sender));
- // Same with the filter thread.
- let options2 = options.clone();
- let handle2 = thread::spawn(move || {
- filter_lines(options2, line_receiver, filtered_sender)
- });
- // And the output thread.
- let options3 = options.clone();
- let handle3 = thread::spawn(move || output_lines(options3, filtered_receiver));
- // Finally, wait until all three threads did their job.
- handle1.join().unwrap();
- handle2.join().unwrap();
- handle3.join().unwrap();
+// Time for a demo!
+fn demo(c: &mut Callbacks) {
+ c.register(|val| println!("Callback 1: {}", val));
+ c.call(0); c.clone().call(1);
-// Now we have all the pieces together for testing our rgrep with some hard-coded options.
-//@ We need to call `to_string` on string literals to convert them to a fully-owned `String`.
pub fn main() {
- let options = Options {
- files: vec!["src/part10.rs".to_string(),
- "src/part11.rs".to_string(),
- "src/part12.rs".to_string()],
- pattern: "let".to_string(),
- output_mode: Print
- };
- run(options);
+ let mut c = Callbacks::new();
+ demo(&mut c);
-// **Exercise 12.1**: Change rgrep such that it prints not only the matching lines, but also the name of the file
-// and the number of the line in the file. You will have to change the type of the channels from `String` to something
-// that records this extra information.
-//@ ## Ownership, Borrowing, and Concurrency
-//@ The little demo above showed that concurrency in Rust has a fairly simple API. Considering Rust has closures,
-//@ that should not be entirely surprising. However, as it turns out, Rust goes well beyond this and actually ensures
-//@ the absence of data races.
-//@ A data race is typically defined as having two concurrent, unsynchronized
-//@ accesses to the same memory location, at least one of which is a write. In other words, a data race is mutation in
-//@ the presence of aliasing, which Rust reliably rules out! It turns out that the same mechanism that makes our single-threaded
-//@ programs memory safe, and that prevents us from invalidating iterators, also helps secure our multi-threaded code against
-//@ data races. For example, notice how `read_files` sends a `String` to `filter_lines`. At run-time, only the pointer to
-//@ the character data will actually be moved around (just like when a `String` is passed to a function with full ownership). However,
-//@ `read_files` has to *give up* ownership of the string to perform `send`, to it is impossible for an outstanding borrow to
-//@ still be around. After it sent the string to the other side, `read_files` has no pointer into the string content
-//@ anymore, and hence no way to race on the data with someone else.
-//@ There is a little more to this. Remember the `'static` bound we had to add to `register` in the previous part, to make
-//@ sure that the callbacks do not reference any pointers that might become invalid? This is just as crucial for spawning
-//@ a thread: In general, that thread could last for much longer than the current stack frame. Thus, it must not use
-//@ any pointers to data in that stack frame. This is achieved by requiring the `FnOnce` closure passed to `thread::spawn`
-//@ to be valid for lifetime `'static`, as you can see in [its documentation](http://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/std/thread/fn.spawn.html).
-//@ This avoids another kind of data race, where the thread's access races with the callee deallocating its stack frame.
-//@ It is only thanks to the concept of lifetimes that this can be expressed as part of the type of `spawn`.
-//@ ## Send
-//@ However, the story goes even further. I said above that `Arc` is a thread-safe version of `Rc`, which uses atomic operations
-//@ to manipulate the reference count. It is thus crucial that we don't use `Rc` across multiple threads, or the reference count may
-//@ become invalid. And indeed, if you replace `Arc` by `Rc` (and add the appropriate imports), Rust will tell you that something
-//@ is wrong. That's great, of course, but how did it do that?
+// ## Interior Mutability
+//@ Of course, the counting example from last time does not work anymore: It needs to mutate the environment, which a `Fn`
+//@ cannot do. The strict borrowing Rules of Rust are getting into our way. However, when it comes to mutating a mere number
+//@ (`usize`), there's not really any chance of problems coming up. Everybody can read and write that variable just as they want.
+//@ So it would be rather sad if we were not able to write this program. Lucky enough, Rust's standard library provides a
+//@ solution in the form of `Cell`. This type represents a memory cell of some type `T`, providing the two basic operations
+//@ `get` and `set`. `get` returns a *copy* of the content of the cell, so all this works only if `T` is `Copy`.
+//@ `set`, which overrides the content, only needs a *shared reference* to the cell. The phenomenon of a type that permits mutation through
+//@ shared references (i.e., mutation despite the possibility of aliasing) is called *interior mutability*. You can think
+//@ of `set` changing only the *contents* of the cell, not its *identity*. In contrast, the kind of mutation we saw so far was
+//@ about replacing one piece of data by something else of the same type. This is called *inherited mutability*.
+//@ Notice that it is impossible to *borrow* the contents of the cell, and that is actually the key to why this is safe.
+// So, let us put our counter in a `Cell`, and replicate the example from the previous part.
+fn demo_cell(c: &mut Callbacks) {
+ {
+ let count = Cell::new(0);
+ // Again, we have to move ownership of the `count` into the environment closure.
+ c.register(move |val| {
+ // In here, all we have is a shared reference of our environment. But that's good enough for the `get` and `set` of the cell!
+ //@ At run-time, the `Cell` will be almost entirely compiled away, so this becomes pretty much equivalent to the version
+ //@ we wrote in the previous part.
+ let new_count = count.get()+1;
+ count.set(new_count);
+ println!("Callback 2: {} ({}. time)", val, new_count);
+ } );
+ }
+ c.call(2); c.clone().call(3);
+//@ It is worth mentioning that `Rc` itself also has to make use of interior mutability: When you `clone` an `Rc`, all it has available
+//@ is a shared reference. However, it has to increment the reference count! Internally, `Rc` uses `Cell` for the count, such that it
+//@ can be updated during `clone`.
-//@ The answer is already hinted at in the error: It will say something about `Send`. You may have noticed that the closure in
-//@ `thread::spawn` does not just have a `'static` bound, but also has to satisfy `Send`. `Send` is a trait, and just like `Copy`,
-//@ it's just a marker - there are no functions provided by `Send`. What the trait says is that types which are `Send`, can be
-//@ safely sent to another thread without causing trouble. Of course, all the primitive data-types are `Send`. So is `Arc`,
-//@ which is why Rust accepted our code. But `Rc` is not `Send`, and for a good reason!
+//@ Putting it all together, the story around mutation and ownership through references looks as follows: There are *unique* references,
+//@ which - because of their exclusivity - are always safe to mutate through. And there are *shared* references, where the compiler cannot
+//@ generally promise that mutation is safe. However, if extra circumstances guarantee that mutation *is* safe, then it can happen even
+//@ through a shared reference - as we saw with `Cell`.
+// ## `RefCell`
+//@ As the next step in the evolution of `Callbacks`, we could try to solve this problem of mutability once and for all, by adding `Cell`
+//@ to `Callbacks` such that clients don't have to worry about this. However, that won't end up working: Remember that `Cell` only works
+//@ with types that are `Copy`, which the environment of a closure will never be. We need a variant of `Cell` that allows borrowing its
+//@ contents, such that we can provide a `FnMut` with its environment. But if `Cell` would allow that, we could write down all those
+//@ crashing C++ programs that we wanted to get rid of.
-//@ Now, `Send` as a trait is fairly special. It has a so-called *default implementation*. This means that *every type* implements
-//@ `Send`, unless it opts out. Opting out is viral: If your type contains a type that opted out, then you don't have `Send`, either.
-//@ So if the environment of your closure contains an `Rc`, it won't be `Send`, preventing it from causing trouble. If however every
-//@ captured variable *is* `Send`, then so is the entire environment, and you are good.
+//@ This is the point where our program got too complex for Rust to guarantee at compile-time that nothing bad will happen. Since we don't
+//@ want to give up the safety guarantee, we are going to need some code that actually checks at run-time that the borrowing rules
+//@ are not violated. Such a check is provided by `RefCell`: Unlike `Cell`, this lets us borrow the contents, and it works for
+//@ non-`Copy` `T`. But, as we will see, it incurs some run-time overhead.
+// Our final version of `Callbacks` puts the closure environment into a `RefCell`.
+struct CallbacksMut {
+ callbacks: Vec>>,
+impl CallbacksMut {
+ pub fn new() -> Self {
+ CallbacksMut { callbacks: Vec::new() }
+ }
+ pub fn register(&mut self, callback: F) {
+ let cell = Rc::new(RefCell::new(callback)); /*@*/
+ self.callbacks.push(cell); /*@*/
+ }
+ pub fn call(&mut self, val: i32) {
+ for callback in self.callbacks.iter() {
+ // We have to *explicitly* borrow the contents of a `RefCell` by calling `borrow` or `borrow_mut`.
+ //@ At run-time, the cell will keep track of the number of outstanding shared and mutable references,
+ //@ and panic if the rules are violated.
+ //@ For this check to be performed, `closure` is a *guard*: Rather than a normal reference, `borrow_mut` returns
+ //@ a smart pointer ([`RefMut`](https://doc.rust-lang.org/stable/std/cell/struct.RefMut.html), in this case) that waits until is goes out of scope, and then
+ //@ appropriately updates the number of active references.
+ //@
+ //@ Since `call` is the only place that borrows the environments of the closures, we should expect that
+ //@ the check will always succeed, as is actually entirely useless. However, this is not actually true. Several different `CallbacksMut` could share
+ //@ a callback (as they were created with `clone`), and calling one callback here could trigger calling
+ //@ all callbacks of the other `CallbacksMut`, which would end up calling the initial callback again. This issue of functions accidentally recursively calling
+ //@ themselves is called *reentrancy*, and it can lead to subtle bugs. Here, it would mean that the closure runs twice, each time thinking it has a
+ //@ unique, mutable reference to its environment - so it may end up dereferencing a dangling pointer. Ouch! Lucky enough,
+ //@ Rust detects this at run-time and panics once we try to borrow the same environment again. I hope this also makes it
+ //@ clear that there's absolutely no hope of Rust performing these checks statically, at compile-time: It would have to detect reentrancy!
+ let mut closure = callback.borrow_mut();
+ // Unfortunately, Rust's auto-dereference of pointers is not clever enough here. We thus have to explicitly
+ // dereference the smart pointer and obtain a mutable reference to the content.
+ (&mut *closure)(val);
+ }
+ }
+// Now we can repeat the demo from the previous part - but this time, our `CallbacksMut` type
+// can be cloned.
+fn demo_mut(c: &mut CallbacksMut) {
+ c.register(|val| println!("Callback 1: {}", val));
+ c.call(0);
+ {
+ let mut count: usize = 0;
+ c.register(move |val| {
+ count = count+1;
+ println!("Callback 2: {} ({}. time)", val, count);
+ } );
+ }
+ c.call(1); c.clone().call(2);
+// **Exercise 12.1**: Write some piece of code using only the available, public interface of `CallbacksMut` such that a reentrant call to a closure
+// is happening, and the program panics because the `RefCell` refuses to hand out a second mutable borrow of the closure's environment.
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