descriptionGets rid of some FUD on Android
ownerRalf Jung
last changeThu, 26 May 2016 18:31:43 +0000 (20:31 +0200)
2016-05-26 Ralf Jungupdate gradle plugin master
2016-05-26 Ralf JungnoFUDroid works on marshmallow
2016-02-08 Ralf Jungalso update the application ID and package name
2016-02-08 Ralf JungREADME fix typo
2016-02-07 Ralf Jungtune README
2016-02-07 Ralf Jungtune README
2016-02-07 Ralf Jungtune README
2016-02-07 Ralf Jungmove package to my own namespace
2016-02-07 Ralf Jungrewrite README
2016-02-07 Ralf Jungthis should now work both on Android 4 and Android 5
2016-01-31 Ralf Jungupdate to Lollipop
2016-01-26 Ralf Junguse newer version of SDK
2015-11-13 SkarafazREADME
2015-02-14 Skarafazrelease v1.0.1
2015-02-14 Skarafazdev: icon
2015-02-14 Skarafazdev: project update
7 years ago master