From e10ca3981238d9578b4f8eda803c6db39687caa5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ralf Jung <>
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 2015 20:50:32 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] always use staging when generating a new key

 letsencrypt-tiny             | 36 +++++++++++++++---------------------
 letsencrypt-tiny.conf.sample |  6 +++---
 2 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)

diff --git a/letsencrypt-tiny b/letsencrypt-tiny
index 3b89db7..321f0c0 100755
--- a/letsencrypt-tiny
+++ b/letsencrypt-tiny
@@ -83,19 +83,17 @@ def generate_key(name):
         if f.returncode:
             raise Exception("Error while generating private key")
-    # now we have a key, save it
-    make_backup(keyfile(name))
+    # Now we have a key, save it. This should never overwrite anything.
+    assert not os.path.exists(keyfile(name))
     with open(keyfile(name), 'wb') as f:
-def check_staging():
+def check_staging(live, staging):
     '''Returns 0 if nothing was done, 1 if a stage key is present but has to be kept, 2 is a stage key was unstaged.'''
-    live = config['files']['live']
-    staging = config['files'].get('staging')
-    if staging is None or not os.path.exists(keyfile(staging)):
+    if not os.path.exists(keyfile(staging)):
         return 0
-    staging_time = datetime.timedelta(hours = int(config['timing']['staging-hours']))
+    staging_time = datetime.timedelta(hours = int(config['timing'].get('staging-hours', 0)))
     key_age = - key_mtime(staging)
     if key_age < staging_time:
         return 1
@@ -107,11 +105,8 @@ def check_staging():
     os.rename(certfile(staging), certfile(live))
     return 2
-def auto_renewal():
+def auto_renewal(live, staging):
     '''Returns 0 if nothing was done, 1 if only certs were changed, 2 if certs and keys were changed.'''
-    live = config['files']['live']
-    staging = config['files'].get('staging')
     max_key_age = datetime.timedelta(days = int(config['timing']['max-key-age-days']))
     renew_cert_time = datetime.timedelta(days = int(config['timing']['renew-cert-before-expiry-days']))
@@ -127,9 +122,9 @@ def auto_renewal():
     # Do it
     if need_new_key:
-        new_key_name = (live if staging is None else staging)
-        generate_key(new_key_name)
-        request_cert(new_key_name)
+        generate_key(staging)
+        request_cert(staging)
+        check_staging(live, staging) # we may want to immediately enable the new key & cert
         return 2
     elif need_new_cert:
@@ -157,28 +152,27 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
     global config
     config = readConfig(args.config)
+    live = config['files']['live']
+    staging = config['files']['staging']
     if args.action[0] == 'renew':
-        live = config['files']['live']
-        staging = config['files'].get('staging')
-        if staging is not None and os.path.exists(keyfile(staging)):
+        if os.path.exists(keyfile(staging)) and os.path.exists(certfile(staging)):
         # trigger the "new cert" hook
         if args.hooks:
     elif args.action[0] == 'cron':
         # First, check if we need to unstage a staging key
-        unstaged = check_staging()
+        unstaged = check_staging(live, staging)
         if unstaged >= 1:
-            # A staging eky is present, do *not* check for renewal
+            # A staging key is present, do *not* check for renewal
             if unstaged >= 2 and args.hooks:
                 # trigger all the hooks
             # Check if we need to renew anything
-            renewed = auto_renewal()
+            renewed = auto_renewal(live, staging)
             if args.hooks:
                 if renewed >= 1:
diff --git a/letsencrypt-tiny.conf.sample b/letsencrypt-tiny.conf.sample
index 5369fdc..3df2422 100644
--- a/letsencrypt-tiny.conf.sample
+++ b/letsencrypt-tiny.conf.sample
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ key-length = 4096
 # After how many days should the private key be re-generated?
 max-key-age-days = 180
-# How many hours should a new private key be left in staging? (Must be set iff 'staging' is set in [files].)
+# How many hours should a new private key be left in staging? Remove or set to 0 to enable immediate activation.
 staging-hours = 25
 # How many days before a certificate expires, should it be renewed?
 renew-cert-before-expiry-days = 15
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ keys = /etc/ssl/private/letsencrypt
 backups = /etc/ssl/old/letsencrypt
-# Base name of the live key and certificate
+# Base name of the live key and certificate.
 live = live
-# Base name of the staging key and certificate (optional)
+# Base name of the staging key and certificate. Used during generation of a new key, to avoid trouble if something fails there.
 staging = staging