def write(self, f):
print("#!/usr/bin/make -f", file=f)
- print(".PHONY: build", file=f) # there may be a directory called "build"
- print(file=f)
print("%:", file=f)
# write proper dh call
dh = self.dh
buildSystem = buildSystems[config.getstr('buildSystem')] # get the data immediately
version = config.getstr('version') # version name excluding epoch (used for filenames)
fullVersion = str(config.getint('epoch'))+':'+version if 'epoch' in config else version # version name including epoch
- parallelJobs = config.getint('parallelJobs', multiprocessing.cpu_count()+1)
+ parallelJobs = config.getint('parallelJobs', multiprocessing.cpu_count())
packageArchitecture = config.getstr('architecture', 'any')
withPython2 = config.getbool('withPython2', False)
withSIP = config.getbool('withSIP', False)