print >>f, "\t"+line
# rule-makers
-def cmakeRules(config):
+def cmakeRules(r, config):
buildDir = config.getstr('buildDir', 'build')
srcDir = os.getcwd()
- r = RulesFile()
r.dh += ["--buildsystem=cmake", "--builddirectory="+buildDir] # dh parameters
r.rules['auto_configure'] = [
safeCall("mkdir", "-p", buildDir),
safeCall("cmake", srcDir, "-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr", *config.get('cmakeParameters', []))
r.rules['auto_clean'] = [safeCall('rm', '-f', os.path.join(buildDir, 'CMakeCache.txt'))] # clean old cmake cache
- return r
-def automakeRules(config):
+def automakeRules(r, config):
# "build" is what we are building *on*, and "host" is what we are building *for* (and GNU is weird...)
# also, we don't really support cross-building... ;-) (to do, we'd have to write shell code that checks whether BUILD_GNU_TYPE
# and HOST_GNU_TYPE are equal, and if they are not, add a --host parameter)
- r = RulesFile()
r.dh += ["--buildsystem=autoconf"]
r.rules['auto_configure'] = [
'BUILD_TYPE=$$(dpkg-architecture -qDEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE) && ' + # doing the expansion beforehand ensures that we cancel if it fails
safeCall(*config.get('automakeParameters', []))
r.rules['auto_clean'] = ['rm -f config.status'] # do not re-use old configuration (no need for escaping here, obviously)
- return r
-def pythonRules(config):
- r = RulesFile()
+def pythonRules(r, config):
r.dh += ["--buildsystem=python_distutils"]
r.rules['auto_clean'] = [ # clean properly
'rm -rf build'
- return r
-def makefileRules(config):
- r = RulesFile()
- r.dh += ["--buildsystem=makefile"] # makefile does the least possible harm
- return r
+def makefileRules(r, config):
+ r.dh += ["--buildsystem=makefile"]
def noneRules(config):
r = RulesFile()
print >>f, 'exit 0'
# rules file: build system specific
with open('debian/rules', 'w') as f:
- # get rule file for build system: may only touch auto_config and auto_clean rules and the dh options
- r = buildSystem.ruleMaker(config)
+ # pre-fill rule file with our global defaults
+ r = RulesFile()
+ r.rules['auto_test'] = []
+ r.rules['auto_install'] = [safeCall('dh_auto_install', '--destdir=debian/'+binaryName)] # install everything into the binary package
+ # patch rule file for build system: may only touch auto_* rules and the dh options
+ buildSystem.ruleMaker(r, config)
# global rules
r.env["DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS"] = 'parallel='+str(parallelJobs)
if not dbgPackage:
r.rules['python2'] = ['dh_python2 --no-guessing-versions']
r.rules['builddeb'] = [safeCall('dh_builddeb', "--destdir="+debDir)] # passing this gobally to dh results in weird problems (like stuff being installed there, and not in the package...)
- r.rules['auto_test'] = []
# installation rule
- r.rules['auto_install'] = [safeCall('dh_auto_install', '--destdir=debian/'+binaryName)] # install everything into the binary package
if 'binarySkipFiles' in config:
- r.rules['auto_install'].append(safeCall('cd', 'debian/'+binaryName) + " && " +
- safeCall('rm', *config.get('binarySkipFiles')))
+ if not 'auto_install' in r.rules: r.rules['auto_install'] = ['dh_auto_install'] # make sure there is an override
+ r.rules['auto_install'].append(safeCall('cd', 'debian/'+binaryName) + " && " + safeCall('rm', *config.get('binarySkipFiles')))
# for debug packages
if dbgPackage:
r.rules['strip'] = [safeCall('dh_strip', '--dbg-package='+binaryName+"-dbg")] # put debug files in appropriate package